Dr. Ruben Calvo-Parra Martinez, a graduate of Universidad Complutense de Madrid's Dentistry program, is currently a Master's student at Newcastle University. By 2015, Dr. Ruben Calvo-Parra Martinez will receive his degree in Restorative Dentistry, an emphasis within the Clinical Dentistry school. This will fulfill a dream that Dr. Ruben Calvo-Parra Martinez has had for some time.

Being accepted to this program offered Dr. Ruben Calvo-Parra Martinez the opportunity he needed to continue his education in restorative dentistry. This education began when Dr. Ruben Calvo-Parra Martinez earned his postgraduate certificate in aesthetic dentistry a few years after graduating from Universidad Complutense de Madrid. This certification program only served to increase Dr. Ruben Calvo-Parra Martinez's interest in this area of dentistry. So after receiving his certification from Eastman Dental Institute in London in 2011, Dr. Ruben Calvo-Parra Martinez moved to Newcastle and started a new job near Newcastle University, where he was looking to start his Master's studies.

After working for Indental Practice for a year, Dr. Ruben Calvo-Parra Martinez started his studies at Newcastle University. In the Restorative Dentistry program, Dr. Ruben Calvo-Parra Martinez will add knowledge to interest. At the end of the two-year program, Dr. Ruben Calvo-Parra Martinez will be able to declare restorative dentistry his specialty at his dental practice.

Dr. Ruben Calvo-Parra Martinez's interest in restorative dentistry grew out of a desire to see those who have suffered from tooth decay or dental disease enjoy their smiles again. Restorative dentistry is the specialty area that looks for solutions to dental problems that distort or disfigure smiles. For Dr. Ruben Calvo-Parra Martinez, this is one of the most worthy areas of dentistry, as it is actively restoring people's confidence along with their smiles. Frequently, self-esteem goes down with smile disfigurement, Dr. Ruben Calvo-Parra Martinez finds, and so he has dedicated himself to restoring that confidence.

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