Dr. Ruben Calvo-Parra Martinez has several tips for people who want to have a bright, white smile. As an expert in the field of aesthetic dentistry Dr. Ruben Calvo-Parra Martinez is up to date on the latest techniques for creating a beautiful smile. He recommends four simple things: brush, whiten, watch what you eat and see your dentist.

Brushing is important to remove any tartar and plaque buildup that can create yellow, dingy teeth. Dr. Ruben Calvo-Parra Martinez recommends that you brush for at least two full minutes, three times a day. The best time to brush is within 30 minutes after eating.

 Dr. Ruben Calvo-Parra Martinez recommends that you watch what you eat. Foods like soda, coffee and blueberries can stain teeth and wear away enamel. Smoking also reduces the enamel and can lead to having yellow stained teeth.

When brushing and watching what you eat don’t keep your teeth as white as you want, Dr. Ruben Calvo-Parra Martinez recommends whitening. There are many over the counter whitening treatments available and Dr. Ruben Calvo-Parra Martinez recommends that you speak to your dentist to find the solution that is best for you. Some of the chemicals can be harsh and can inflame gums so it is important to check with your dentist.

Dr. Ruben Calvo-Parra Martinez recommends that you see your dentist regularly; at least every six months. Your dentist can help catch problems before they become noticeable to you. By following Dr. Ruben Calvo-Parra Martinez’s tips you can have a healthy and bright smile that you can be proud to show off.

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